Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Of Hummingbirds and Half-Baked Explanations

I have flocks of hummingbirds buzzing around my feeder this morning.  As I watched them, I wondered what it might take to build a machine to fly like they do.  Helicopters are an amazing technology but incredibly inefficient and clumsy when compared to this little aviator, and they don't fly themselves.

To say this creature, that can beat its wings up to 80 times per second on 10 calories per day, arose by gradual, accidental changes over millions of years is a lame pseudo-explanation so fantastic that it resembles the magical creation myths of historic pagan cultures.

One would have to be in such an incredible, and unhealthy, state of denial to hold such a view.  No wonder David said in Psalm 14:1 "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'"  Paul was right in Romans 1 to call such thinking futile.  With their understanding darkened, rather than enlightened.  With a reasoning mind, I can't imagine how to build such a thing of beauty and grace.  Such a picture of intricate, high-leveled function and efficiency.

And I'm just talking about flight.  Leaving out sight, hearing, taste, touch, damage repair and reproduction.  The ability to navigate from north to south and back again over tremendous distances.  The ability to avoid obstacles and respond to threats, just to name a few more things.  All in a tiny package that runs on sugar.  Maybe one has to work in engineering or tech to truly appreciate what this is.

Some snidely remark that "God did it" is no explanation at all.  Maybe so, but I say it's way better than dismissing obvious design as an illusion, which is an incredibly weak way to make your argument.  If that's what happened, it's what happened.  No one has trouble attributing the manufacture of a car to an intelligent agent, even if they don't know who the inventor is.  The real science isn't in postulating a counter-intuitive, frankly insane theory that technology such as hummingbird flight just arose with no planning, intention or design.  Especially when it isn't observed and there is no way to test such an idea.  The real science is in discovering how this animal can fly the way it does and attempting to replicate it in a way to replace our existing clumsy, inefficient technology.

A "kluge" is an ill-assorted collection of parts assembled to fulfill a particular purpose.  Many Darwinists like to point to biological mechanisms as such, as they go on to say "It looks just the way it would if it were to come about by evolution."  What an impossibly ignorant line.  It is truly a canard because what man builds is ALWAYS a feeble kluge when compared to what we find in life, and no Darwinist points to the best products of modern human engineering as such.

Returning to Romans 1, Paul says in verse 20 that it is obvious that God exists by what is made.  "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,..."  Here.....take a look: